TECHNOLOGYRadio Frequency IdentificationPaper Published, National Level Paper Presentation, University of Rajasthan, 2005. Â Why do we care? A couple of reasons, for one, this...
LEADERSHIPLearning is InsuranceWhile we often prioritize insurance coverage for our health, life, and even for our cars, we frequently overlook the importance of...
TECHNOLOGYAI and LeadershipLeadership and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are two subjects that are becoming increasingly intertwined as technology continues to...
LEADERSHIPRead & Grow - My top readsRead, read every day, and you will gain rewards instantly, a reward of being wiser, smarter and a person better equipped with...
LEADERSHIPSelf-ConfidenceCouple of days back, while driving back home from office, I heard a simple but a great story narrated on FM radio. It was one of the...
LEADERSHIPThe Habit of Continuous LearningIn today’s world, change is the only constant. To keep up with the status quo and the demands of the industry, organizations and...