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Learning is Insurance
While we often prioritize insurance coverage for our health, life, and even for our cars, we frequently overlook the importance of...
AI and Leadership
Leadership and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are two subjects that are becoming increasingly intertwined as technology continues to...
Read & Grow - My top reads
Read, read every day, and you will gain rewards instantly, a reward of being wiser, smarter and a person better equipped with...
Couple of days back, while driving back home from office, I heard a simple but a great story narrated on FM radio. It was one of the...
The Habit of Continuous Learning
In today’s world, change is the only constant. To keep up with the status quo and the demands of the industry, organizations and...
Leadership during Crisis
A crisis is inevitable. Uncertainty has become part of lives and businesses. The outside world is changing with the pace that was never...
The Geese Story
Every fall thousands of geese fly from Canada to the southern part of the United States to escape the bitterly cold Canadian winter. As...
The Coaching Spectrum
Socrates saw himself as 'midwife of understanding'. He believed that one could help people understand, but that one could not make people...
Employee Engagement
"The way your employees feel is the way your customers will feel. And if your employees don’t feel valued, neither will your customers."...
Motivated People
Great companies don’t hire skilled people and motivate them, they hire already motivated people and inspire them. People are either...
What makes employees leave the Organization?
In today's times, it's an assumption that Millennials are frequent job hoppers, and they will leave their existing job for very minimal...
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